My creations and bookmarks
As like any fanantic I create quite a lot of sims and houses but I'm going to actually start looking into designing my own pieces for the sims like clothing and hopefully other items :D looks like hard work though! Hopefully I'll pick it up quite quickly.
For the meantime I'll just create sims and credit others. I tried to upload a cc free sim just now but it said only sims at this time. I guess I'll try again later. She's not a fantastic sim but it would be nice to have a creation on my profile!I have lots of cool houses I've made but I need to check what cc I've used on them before uploading. I wonder if there is an easy way to find out? If anyone actually reads my blog and knows, let me know thanks!
So I haven't uploaded anything for you guys to download yet but I'm being bookmarked which is really really cool, thanks a lot! I have nothing to offer you guys yet other than a big thank you for all the stuff you create which makes my simming better!
Still haven't managed to properly play sims yet... Think I've got sims block like writers block! lol Maybe after building a few houses I'll get my sims mojo back :)
Pumpkin xx